Friday, August 12, 2016

Just a quick update for all women at Freshwater, for what will be coming up this fall!

We will have a few returning (or ongoing) groups this fall. All groups always welcome new ladies to join or visit (just drop in anytime to ANY of our groups!), one is Beth Moore Study and the other is an Inductive study (studying the Bible one book at a time). We will add in at least 2 more studies, and possibly a 3rd. Stay tuned on our blog here, and in the program at Freshwater!

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Prayer is so very important, and we are being intentional in praying for our leaders and for requests from you! So, we have set aside a time every month to get together and pray. You are welcome to join us from 7pm-8pm when we pray for our pastors, church, and other requests or you can join us at 8pm when we will pray for ladies individually.

This fall we will not be doing a Freshwater women’s retreat. There are a few other great options for you, so you don’t miss being encouraged in your faith! Here are two of those options for you to consider and bring a few friends along.

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This fall Chocolate Talk will continue, and we will continue to hear authentic stories from our own women at Freshwater about their faith walks. If you haven’t gotten a chance to attend Chocolate Talk, come join us! It’s a great place to bring friends and women who may be new to Freshwater (or maybe have been around awhile but don’t know many people). We do not meet for very long (usually about an hour) and  it’s a very relaxed atmosphere. We will hear faith stories about some of the core ways we grow in our faith.

If you would like to talk with someone about any of the things mentioned here or have a question (or need encouragement) in your own faith walk, you can reach us at

Have a great August!