Sunday, April 29, 2018

The old has gone and the new has come!

Happy Spring everyone! 

The snow is finally gone and the flowers are starting to come up. 
New life is awakening after the long, cold winter and we hope you are excited to see what God has in store for you!

We have a number of new opportunities to connect you with other women this spring that we want to share with you!

Our monthly book club is meeting on Wednesday, May 2nd at 7pm. The book to discuss is "The Woman in Cabin 10" by Ruth Ware. Feel free to attend whether you finished the book or not. All are welcome!

Please contact Kelli Froman for more information (email:

The monthly art group is meeting on Friday evening starting at 6pm. The project of the month is to create adorable sock gnomes or bring your own project if desired and enjoy some time away just be creative! 

There is a new online Bible study at all about motherhood! It starts up just after Mother's Day on May 17th and runs 7 weeks thru June 28th.

Here is the LINK to follow for more information and register.

Don't forget to pencil in the dates for our fall women's retreat. You don't want to miss this one! We are returning to the wonderful Lake Beauty Bible Camp again and we can't wait to pour into the amazing community of women who attend!